Our Holiday curve..

Author: Carla Rose / Labels: , ,


Gearing up for our first gluten, dairy and soy free holidays. Since we will be going to my Mother in Laws...all our cooking needs preparing at home. I have admittedly morphed into some kind of paranoia frenzy cat about the whole food ingredient process. Having witnessed my little one experience the ghastly poisonous symptoms gluten and soy do to her system...leaves me no choice but to be on guard.

The mother in law bless her dear heart...is filled with wonderment on  the  'whys' ."Why don't you wean Emily already?,why does she sleep in your bed?, why aren't you Christening her"?  The ~whys~ often come in excerpts and transform into long discussions that perhaps (or not) alter states of awareness. Never interfering, she listens and honors our child rearing...with many questions. She finds certain parenting approaches that resonate with us as foreign and almost not existent. We do not make it a confrontation when asked the whys.What for? We do not have to prove anything to anyone, our decisions are based from our own truths.What we feel is best for our family. Doesn't make it right or wrong. Tactfully declaring truths based from my heartfulness is all I can do. Interestingly, her wonderment doesn't create static between us, rather it fills voids we both have within and without. Now, back to the whole holiday curve~

A Druid priestess
Although the diet transition was difficult at first, I  know it all happened for our individual health needs. I look forward to not experiencing that heaviness feeling after consuming a traditional meal. I sit in a variety of traditions in the holiday arena. Having not celebrated any holidays in my upbringing, I find myself torn between mainstream traditions, the in laws traditions, and what resonates with our family. Claiming a specific denomination is not an option for us. It is such a sticky residue of a subject is it not? So many views out there, so many perceptions, so many judgments. I often envision living in a hut where no religious influences to bear would be the ultimate experience. A eraser of belief systems that wash away over my psyche...ahh what a vision. We have such appreciation for various culturistic traditions that all~ (our belief) are one. If I am asked what religion I am my reply is we are "Spiritually based".


Ive been on the hunt for some child books for Emily that contain various traditions that exist.  We would like to feed her with elements of spirituality without the dogma. If you have any books that you would like to share that fit this criteria it would be most appreciated :). 

I havent made up my mind 100% on exactly what curve we will lean towards with Emily. I trust in the intuition as our guide during these times of uncertainty. Most times the swaying  back and forth on a swing is of most comfort. I do recognize for my daughters sake I must eventually jump off the swing. Standing freely with the wind  to and fro.


Anonymous said...

Hi Carla, I love the 'I blog gluten-free' button:-) I am not gluten free, but the button just tickled me. And my niece sounds very similar to your Emily, so I can somewhat empathize with the diet transition you have gone through. Thank goodness you were able to understand what the problem was so young, it seems many mothers receive bad advice on this and don't realize for awhile that it is gluten or soy related...
Anyway, what I really resonated with was the MIL part! We go through this with both my own mother and MIL all the time...Why, why, why.
As for books, I don't have any specific books on traditions...I have a spiritual book list for kids on my blog, but it is not really about traditions per se...We are working through this one at our house also...I am into religious literacy in all the religions (just from a pure education standpoint) and then focusing on general concepts like compassion, gratitude, etc. And then we are making up our own rituals...

Carla Rose said...

Hey Lisa,

Nice to hear from you.
I am grateful I was able to detect the sensitivities early on...I thank Breast feeding for that.
It can get a bit redundant with MIL, though it does have a purpose.

I will visit your spiritual book list for kids, Thank you :-)

mermaid said...


Thank you for visiting, and for leading the authentic life that you do. I hope that your family comes together with your spiritual celebration in mind without the dogma.

Though I lean towards Buddhism, I still love the following titles I have come across:

All I See Is A Part of Me and Fun Is A Feeling by Chara M. Curtis.

Carla Rose said...

Thank you so much for the sweet comments, and for sharing the book title. I am going to order it!

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